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Dussek was one of a number of foreign-born composers, including Muzio Clementi and John Field, who contributed significantly to the development of a distinct “London” school of pianoforte composition. In part, this was due to the particular nature of piano manufacture in England. Joseph Haydn, for instance, composed his famous E-flat sonata after playing a piano of greater range lent to him by Dussek.[47]Much of Dussek’s piano writing drew upon the more modulable and powerful tonal qualities and greater keyboard range of English-manufactured pianofortes. The enhanced possibilities offered by the instrument help explain some of his stylistic innovations.[original research?]


Dussek wrote numerous solo piano works, including 34 Piano Sonatas as well as a number of programmatic compositions. His The Sufferings of the Queen of France (composed in 1793, C 98), for example, is an episodic account of Marie Antoinette with interpolated texts relating to the Queen’s misfortunes, including her sorrow at being separated from her children and her final moments on the scaffold before the guillotine.

デュセックは、34のピアノ・ソナタや多くのプログラム音楽を含む、数多くのピアノ独奏作品を作曲しました。例えば、彼の作品『フランス王妃の苦悩』(1793年作曲、C 98)は、エピソード的にマリー・アントワネットの生涯を描写しており、彼女が子供たちと引き離された悲しみや、ギロチンの前での最後の瞬間など、王妃の不幸に関する挿入されたテキストが含まれています。

Along with Clementi, Dussek may have been a source of stylistic inspiration and influence for Beethoven, whose expansion upon the idiomatic innovations of the London school led to their rapid penumbration with the appearance of Beethoven’s own keyboard works.[48] Stylistic, melodic, dynamic and even structural similarities have been observed, for instance, between Beethoven’s Sonata Opus 10, No. 3 and Dussek’s Sonatas Opus 31, No. 2 and Opus 35, No. 2.[49] Similarly, the opening of Beethoven’s Sonata Opus 10, No. 1 quotes directly Dussek’s Sonata Opus 39, No. 3 (see image).


It is also possible that Dussek’s influence can be seen in Beethoven’s famous Sonata Opus 81a, les Adieux: “both the program and the realization owed a great deal to Dussek’s The Farewell, Opus 44.”[50]



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